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Zesty Yoghurt Hommus
  • Prep
    15 minutes
  • Total
  • Serving
    2 cups

Zesty Yoghurt Hommus


400g tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed
3 tbsp lemon juice
1-2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp ground cumin
pinch of cayenne
sea salt and pepper
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp unhulled tahini
ΒΌ cup Liddells Lactose Free Plain Yoghurt
pinch smoked paprika to garnish
1 tbsp Liddells Lactose Free Cheese, grated


Combine the chickpeas, lemon juice, garlic, cumin, cayenne, salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil in a food processor and blend until smooth. 

Add the tahini and yoghurt and whiz to a creamy puree, adding 1-2 tbsp water to lighten if need be. Refrigerate until needed.

Place in a serving bowl with some smoked paprika and a grating of cheese.

Featured Product

Plain Yoghurt 4x140g

Thick, creamy, high in calcium and lactose free. What more could you want in a yoghurt?